IRIE Venture is the culmination of our vast knowledge and extensive experience in our respective field. We founded the company to implement a cohesive vision in designing and engineering some of the world's most useful and innovative products. Prepare to be amazed by the brains behind this innovative and enigmatic creation. Meet the members of our team responsible for this game-changing gadget that will revolutionize the way you live your daily life

Chief Executive Officer / Chief Research & Development Officer / Chief Resources Officer

Colleen Garey, the esteemed CEO of IRIE Venture, Colleen’s Hair Wefting Training Center, MyHairMade, and IRIE Mega Beauty Expo, stands as a recognized expert and leader in the human hair industry. Boasting over 25 years of experience in the human hair retail business, Colleen has become an international figure known as "The Hair Wefting Guru."

Colleen's influence extends beyond her successful ventures; she is also the force behind the customized hair extension brand "IRIExtensions," a brand that has garnered attention from prominent figures such as Serena Williams and The Braxtons, with Towanda Braxton serving as the brand ambassador.

In 2011, Colleen took a significant step by launching her Hair Wefting Training Center, where she has trained numerous business enthusiasts globally. Her expertise has made her a sought-after public speaker, sharing her extensive knowledge about the human hair industry. Colleen is credited with establishing numerous human hair retail businesses worldwide.

Recognizing a prevalent issue within the industry, Colleen identified a gap in hair care as some clients neglected their natural hair after having extensions installed. This realization prompted Colleen and her daughter to collaborate on an innovative solution—the MAI Comb. This patented, cranial concept became Colleen's latest focus, showcasing her commitment to addressing challenges within the beauty industry.

Colleen's overarching vision is to inspire and educate beauty industry enthusiasts to cultivate their ideas today, ensuring they evolve into tomorrow's groundbreaking solutions. Her dedication to improvement and innovation underscores her role as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving landscape of the human hair industry.

Chief Operations Officer / Chief Design Officer / Chief Invention Officer

Mehdi Garti is not like most. He has a true passion for helping others. Some individuals learn customer service skills, others are born with it, and Mehdi inherently loves to help. In addition to being a people person, he also possesses ingenious qualities that have propelled him to become a true innovator and inventor. He grew up with a flair for inventing things, and his first successful invention, a unique fishing rod stand, happened when he was just nine years old. Since then, he hasn't stopped inventing. Mehdi's desire to help and his engineering talents to create new things make him the perfect fit for your project.

President / Chief Administrative Officer

Having spent several years as an executive assistant in a demanding corporate environment, Keesha understood the pressures and challenges faced by women in maintaining healthy and vibrant hair. However, it was her personal experience with natural hair and the frustrations she encountered that sparked a desire within her to find effective solutions. Driven by her newfound passion, Keesha delved into extensive research and sought out experts in the field of natural hair care. Through her efforts, she gained a profound understanding of the detrimental effects of harsh chemicals found in many hair products and the need for gentle, nourishing alternatives. As well as finding new ways to keep hair and scalp moisturized to promote healthy hair. Armed with knowledge and an unwavering commitment to helping others, Keesha embarked on a mission to develop high-quality natural hair care product. She created a device that will help nourish the scalp that is also beneficial to those wearing protective hairstyles. Keesha's journey from executive assistant to natural hair care entrepreneur is a testament to the power of following one's passion and making a positive impact in the lives of others. Through her dedication and expertise, Keesha has joined Colleen Garey to create a brand that not only enhances the beauty of natural hair but also fosters self-confidence and self-love amongst women everywhere.

We Create Solutions, Not Just Products!

For further details on product development and launching inventions ideas, please visit IRIE VENTURE


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